Monday, June 29, 2009

Jo Amar Recites the Bracha Achrita

The late Jo Amar sings the Seventh of the Sheva Bra'chot at his daughter's wedding. September 1990 Great Neck, NY.

Click here to see Joe sing while he walks the Kallah down to the Chupah.

Click here to see Joe sing during the dancing of the wedding.

Click here to download - a limited time offer from MostlyMusic- Joe's "Barcelona" performed on HASC 2.

On the left side of Joe on this video is Shlomo Carlebach, he also sang at the wedding a beautiful rendition of Simcha L'Artzecha. Click here to watch.


yossi said...

is that R' Sholom Carlebach in the background?

yossi said...

i got my answer. i guess i should read the description properly next time...

moshe said...

What a legend !

Unknown said...

And who was the band that Joe Amar chose for this special Simcha? ELI KAHN & THE NESHOMA ORCHESTRA - of course!!