Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kumzitz at Lipa's Birthday Party

Last Thursday night there took place a Chulent Party/Birthday Party/Kumzitz at the house of Lipi Teitelbaum. The birthday party was a delayed BP for Lipa Schmeltzer.

Attending the event amongst many others was Yehuda Green, Michoel Schnitzler, Shloimy Daskal, Srully Werdyger, Yoely Lebovitz and Yanky Katina.

Click here for another video from another photographer.

1 comment:

Cris said...

Did they had a party? I love birthday parties. I love planning for it, shopping for gifts, party trinkets, souvenirs, decorations, food, the works! I think I'll be an events planner in the near future. Hmmm...