Friday, May 08, 2009

A Glimpse Into the Life of a Bochur in a Japan Prison Cell

Please continue to pour your hearts out in Tefilah for Yoel Zeev ben Mirel Risa Chava, Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel and Yosef ben Ita Rivka.

This is a real photo from inside the Japan prison, a cell similar to where Yossi is being held, as seen the futon on the floor where Yosi sleeps.

Tokyo, Japan - Israeli Charedi Hebrew newspaper Sha'ah Tova printed an interview with Yosef ben Itta Rivka's older brother Yona, who returned to Israel a short while after Yossi was sentenced in Japan last Friday for smuggling drugs to Japan. He had been conned into this deed unwittingly by a respected member of his chassidus 15 years his elder.

For the past year, the families of the three bochurim incarcerated in Japan have refrained from giving interviews. This is the first interview with a family member which intimately touches on what this brother has been going through, the suffering of his family, their feelings after the sentencing and their hopes for a miracle.

Click here for the full article.

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