Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Bar Mitzvah in NY Brazil & Israel

Bar Mitzvah on the East Coast with Yossi Newman from YBC on the keyboard.

Hachnasat Sefer Torah At Shalom Hartman Boys High School

In a lively and moving celebration, coinciding with Jerusalem Day 5769 and just before Shavuot, the Levi family donated a Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) to the Shalom Hartman Institute Boys' High School. The Sefer Torah was commissioned especially on the occasion of 7th grader Noam Levi's Bar Mitzvah. The family, immigrants from France, held a similar celebration in Tsfat (Safed) earlier in the week, but the Sefer Torah was donated to the school, and is the first Sephardi Sefer Torah in the school's possession in Jerusalem, Israel.

A Bar Mitzvah in Brazil

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