Monday, March 02, 2009

Videos of the Event

There is plenty of footage on the web from last night's concert. Below are some of the highlights, including some which are exclusively for Gruntig.

Click here to view 25 clips, some longer then others, but all in HD. I don't know how much longer these videos will last on the net, especially since a professional DVD of the Event is in the making.

Lipa Medley. A song containing many short glimpses of Lipa's hits.

MBD's surprise entry. The applause MBD got from the crowd when he entered was historical. People who have been going to concert for years exclaimed, never before had they ever heard an ovation like that. This may compare to a similar historical moment, when Shlomo Carlebach made a surprise guest appearance and joined MBD with Abie Rotenberg at the HASC 6 concert.

Abie Rotenberg's video tribute to Rabbi Eli Teitlebaum Z"L. Abei is joined by MBD on the video and is later joined by YBC/Pirchei, Lipa and the entire cast on stage.

YBC/ The Pirchei choir singing Ani Maamin, one of Pirchei's greatest hits.

A glimpse of Shloime Gertner's Music Videos presentation.

Funny Video with Lipa looking for his long lost brother "Dedi" who is in the Israeli Army.

Rabbi Boruch Chait, the legendary composer, together with Acheinu and Sruli Wuliger sing a song he composed while he was with Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum Z"L.

Dedi's entry. Listen to the crowd. Definitely the loudest I've ever been part of!

Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum's grandson talks about his special Zaidy, in a video tribute to the late Rabbi.

Life of Rubin has a collection of links to various stuff related to the concert. did a great podcast with Sruli Meyer of Sameach and Yossi Zweig of, click here to listen.

And in case you missed it, here is Gruntig's review of the concert in short.

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