Thursday, July 03, 2008

M&M Commercial

A commercial showing just how far a guy will go for an M&M. Directed by: Shimshon Seligson Actor: Jonathan Goldman. A production of Rambam Mesivta.

A Message from Gruntig: The M&Ms used in this film are not the brand name M&M and are Cholov Yisrael. Please don't eat official M&M's, they harm the soul.


Anonymous said...

its not cholov yisroel . disgusting!!!

Anonymous said...


Shimshon Seligson said...

The M&M's, though now digested, were real. as long as you learn torah and keep shabbos, kashrus, and not put down on any other yidden you have a CHANCE at olam habah. But don't worry I won't tell Rav Moshe on you guys. enjoy the commercial.