Friday, May 09, 2008

Avrohom Fried and Chazzan Helfgott 2008

Avrohom Fried and Chazzan Helfgott singing Mimkomoch from Shlomo Simcha (S.S.S. sings it, although I'm not sure if it's his song) at a performance at Gateways's Pesach Hotel in Connecticut, on Chol Hamoed Pesach 2008 .

HT: Pinchos.


Anonymous said...

this is Shlomo Carelbach's song. (He sings it on the album Haneshoma Lach)

YK said...

I've been told that it's from Reb Shlomo Carlebach's early compositions.

For some reason it didn't become as popular as the mimkomcho we all know.. I think this one is even better.


Anonymous said...

it's a carlebach song

Anonymous said...

and he sings it better than fried and helfgott...

Anonymous said...

It most likely not as famous being that it is a harder tune than the other one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any video from some of the other Pesach hotels. . Four Seasons Whistler?

Anonymous said...

of course it's carlebach . duh!!!
its a R' shlomo classic.