Monday, March 24, 2008

Purim at the Rechnitz's 08

Mordichai Ben David, Avrohom Fried, Chazzan Yitzchok Helfgott, Chazan Duvie Blonder, Yeedle, the Yungerleit of Mizamrim, Chazan Yankele Rosenblatt and the Rechnitz brothers brought the entire Los Angeles Kehilla to their feet in dance and simcha.

Click here for more.

Cantor Helfgot with MBD.

MBD and Avraham Fried sing Ana Melech the song composed by the host and sponser of the event, Mr. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz.


Anonymous said...

WOw!! amazing! I wish it they would do it again - singing the same heart warming songs!!

Anonymous said...

pretty good....