Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trouble Makers in The Cemetery

Some young Russian Shkotzim misbehaving in an old Jewish Cemetery.


Anonymous said...

hey buddy we're not russians we're bosnians!!!We're not doing anything wrong!P.S. check my youtube channel you will find more cool stuff like dancing on the cemetery

Lucky Wolf said...

Bosnians Russians, to us Americans its all the same.

At any rate, a cemetery must be treated with respect; the behavior portrayed in the video is not respectful.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, You Should Have asked me to link that video!!!

Lucky Wolf said...

Well if you did not want me to link to it, you should have A) not have put it on youtube in the first place. B) put it up on you Youtube but keep it private. c) Let it be public but disable embedding.

Since you didn’t do any of the above i would assume you would not have problem with me linking to it. on the contrary, it makes your video more popular!

Anonymous said...

well your right...but I thought that you don't support or like this video?