Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shira Chadasha Boys Choir Music Video

The Shira Chadasha Boys Choir conducted by Nachman Seltzer with their second album "Areivim Zeh LaZeh".

I believe the choir is an Israeli Based choir, but most of the boys don't look or sound Israeli at all. Even Levinstein sounds different. Maybe someone can explain!

Seems Chazzan Levenstein is an actor as well as a chazan. Five tool player!



Anonymous said...

most of the boys have american parents

Anonymous said...

the choir is jerusalem based but is made up mainly of olim and the children of olim

Anonymous said...

the choir is jerusalem based however it is made up mainly of new olim and the children of olim.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That was beatiful and those kids are adorable.

Anonymous said...

The scene with the kids' yarmulka falling off could have been refilmed....

Lucky Wolf said...

The fact they did not redo it would lead me to think they liked it that way.
It would be hard to believe they did not redo it only because it was too much of a pain.

Anonymous said...

when is their new CD coming out

Anonymous said...

What is the english translation to this video>?? Send to

Anonymous said...

what is the english translation of this video??

Anonymous said...

The new album is out in stores everywhere.

The translation of the song is as follows

Those who trust in G-d are like the mountains of Zion, that will not falter, but will abide forever
Jerusalem- mountains surround you, and G-d will protect His people for now and forever.

Anonymous said...

The new album is out in stores everywhere.

The translation of the song is as follows

Those who trust in G-d are like the mountains of Zion, that will not falter, but will abide forever
Jerusalem- mountains surround you, and G-d will protect His people for now and forever.