Sunday, December 23, 2007

Chazzan Yaakov Lemmer

Cantor Yaakov Lemmer sings Boruch Hashem Bayom at the 2007 Cantors World Sefira Davening.

This took place at a 100 year old syanagouge in the lower east side of manhattan, The Chasam Sofer Shul.

Cator Moshe Schulhoff led the Mincha service, Cantor Yitzhock Helfgot led the Maariv service and Cantor Yaakov Motzen led the Sefira service.

Cantor Yaakov Lemmer was the guest artist that evening.

This recitative was composed by Arele Blum and was first recorded by the legendary Bel Canto Cantor, Cantor Mordechai Hershman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this chazan