Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Satmar Mitzvah Tantz

Mitzvah Tantz of Satmar Rebbe at his grandsons wedding.

I'm Having trouble figuring out if this is Reb Zalman Leib or Reb Ahron.


Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

1) why do you care?
2) it's Aron

Anonymous said...

Lucky wolf, I am curious,would you care if I refer to your rebbe as Mendel?

Lucky Wolf said...

i was simply curious. at first i though it looked like Reb Zalman but then i thought Reb Ahron. the video quality just isn't good.


Sorry i offended you or anyone else, I did not mean in in a derogatory way, just Haimish. and i therefor now changed it.