Friday, June 15, 2007

A Kumzitz with MBD, Fried & Green Part 2

Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried and Yossi Green sing together, kumzitz style, at the The First Ohel Concer, OHEL 5757.
Rosh Chodesh Adar 5757 / 1997.
Special Guest Star appearance by Rabbi David Werdyger.

A Gruntig Exclusive!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these videos, it brings back memories from the concert - I always wanted to see a video of that concert.

Since you have access to the video of the concert; would you be able to put up the song written by abie rottenberg and sung by ira heller that went with the video of ohel children. (the words were something like "who will sing for the children who don't know how to sing...)

Anonymous said...

Ahh.Those were the days.

Anonymous said...

please post part 3

and thanks so much for the video

Lucky Wolf said...

Anon 1242,

The video i have access to does not contain any such song. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

can you please post some videos of avram fried singing solo by himself without MBD

Anonymous said...

I have the video, and i must say that this is the reason why i never liked af until recently... mbd is so real and hartzik throught THE ENTIRE video, and avremel just looks like he is putting on a show and isn't sincerely singing...

Anonymous said...

listen MBD is King But don't take way from the Queen, Avremel is still second to the king, and that is not a bad possion