Sunday, June 11, 2006

Shavous in Willi

From the videos of the Tish it seems like Reb Ahron has the bigger crowd and maybe also more of a mature crowed. See for yourselves.

Reb Zalman Lieb the younger son, at his Tish on the second day of Shavous.
Video is obviously after Yom Tov and Shabbos had ended.

Reb Ahron, the older son (wearing the white Kaftan)at his Tish in a large tent outside the main shull in Manroe NY.
Video is obviously after Yom Tov and Shabbos had ended.

1 comment:

Lucky Wolf said...

i think, from what i'v seen in the video, it looks like reb Ahron has more "older people" and less bochurem at his place.