Last Friday while walking on Madison Ave in Manhattan I heard someone behind me trying to get my attention in Hebrew. When I turned around I saw an older Israeli man walking towards me saying "what’s the matter, you don't hear me?" so I went over to him not sure what he wanted, and to my shock he handed me twenty bucks! I, never seeing this guy in my life was not exactly sure how to respond, so I motioned to him that it was ok, but he wouldn’t take it back. I then asked him if he wanted me to give it to Tzedoko, but he said “you know better, do what you want with it”. I wished him a Shabbat Shalom and Tizku Lemitzvot.
At the time I was not sure what the significance of this story would be, but on my way back to Brooklyn being in the rush I was in, I by mistake went to the uptown station instead of the downtown station which would lead me back to Brooklyn. Problem was that the only way for me to get to the downtown subway station, was if I would walk out of the station I was in, cross the street and head down the stairs to catch the local 6 train headed for Brooklyn. That’s when I realized that I did not have any cash on me at all. Except that is, for that man’s twenty dollars!

Wonderful and informative web site. I used information from that site its great. » »
is that really true???
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