Sunday, May 21, 2006

Who Said You Can't Be A Chussid And Be Cool At The Same Time?!

Cool chussid kid #1

Oh, look there's another one! Cool chussid kid #2
(although this one is only half as cool).


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is having a cool time. Are they all out of school in New York?

Lucky Wolf said...

yeah, but it also happens to be that that day was a jewish holiday.

Anonymous said...

tell cool chossid #2, to lose the button down shirt, that ain't too cool! lol. (the conversation that morning went as follows, Mom says, "yankie you're not gonna believe it, I found that great button down shirt that you wore last week in the garbage pile, but thankfully I rescued it before the garbage collectors came by. I wonder how it could have gotten there..." Yankie says growling, "Mom, i already told you i don't want to wear that button down shirt, none of the cool kids are wearing them anymore, besides i'm almost eight, I can pick my clothes myself" Mom, replies, "ohh I think i hear your bus coming off you go, to school, here's your lunch box (way uncool) and don't forget you're nifty cap, so you won't get burned out there in the sun." Yankie thinks to himself, well at least i can be half cool," as he flips his cap around.

Lucky Wolf said...

WOW! Thanks ctownbor for the inside scoop!
so you're telling me that this kid is "Ctown" and you are his brother?
(how then would you know all these details?)