Friday, March 24, 2006

Piamenta in O.T.

In honor of Adar "the Board of Directors of Entertainment" from O.T. and U.L.Y. got together and hired Yossi Piamenta and his crew to be misameach the Bochurem
They played only Chabad nigunim and it went on in till about two o'clock in the morning.
towards the end the bochurem requested "siman tov," Yossi finally agreed and said he'll play it but only on condition that they dance like a chassidisher bochur should, not like you're in a disco!
When the boys requested the new song "Birkat Hamazon" which was debuted on Hasc 18, Yossi said that he composed it himself!Maybee hinting that if they could play "Harabbi Me'lubavitch Melech Hamoshiach" which they in fact did play ( and for some reason it was played for a longer time then any of the other songs, or maybe it just felt longer, who knows?) and it is a song composed by Moshe Yess, then shouldn't they be able to play Birkat Hamozon!?
So they played Birkat Hamazon with Yossi Piamneta son doing the vocals, just like on Hasc 18.

With a cig in hand.

On the extreme right is Avi Piamenta's son, substituting for his dad.

Yossi's son doing the vocals.


Anonymous said...

i think you got your right and left confused, but thats o.k. it happens to the best of us. Avi's son is on the far right, in that shot

Anonymous said...

jk i just made the same mistake, i meant the far left

Lucky Wolf said...

"but thats o.k. it happens to the best of us"

did you mean yourself? ;-)

Anonymous said...

yea i was just trying to make you feel comfortable.

Lucky Wolf said...

how sweeet.

Anonymous said...


Michy said...

yay! super sweet thats fabulouse

now go check out my blog