Monday, March 13, 2006

Lipa Live at Nachal Charedi in Israel

Click on the image above to watch Lipa sing with a group of solders in the Nahal Haredi of the Israeli army on Rosh Chodesh Adar 2006.

Update 2/14/11: You can watch this video below.


Anonymous said...

i allways knew he was really a lubavitcher

Anonymous said...

i heard that the cops didn't allow lipa into 770 because the cops had a restraining order from the aguch court case, anyone fitting the following description was locked out: a young man, with dark middle eastern-color skin, a crazy glazed look in his eyes, and a yellow lapel pin. lol

the sabra said...


Anonymous said...

Disgusting that an ostensibly-charedi jew like Lipa would go to a place like Nachal Charedi that all gedolim have said that it is a place for Shemad. We should be able to see through the names Zionists give to their anti-semitic programs to remove jews from their jewish heritage and make them into Goyim with jewish names.