Monday, March 06, 2006

Avraham Fried in Soul II Soul 2006

Last night's event at the Brooklyn School of Music & Theater was quite nice. The concert was mostly sold out and the few seats that were left were taken by bochurem that managed to sneaked in during the show. I sat on the balcony, some friends who were down stairs told me that the sound was better up in the balcony. In the balcony the sound was not greatest either but it imrproved later on.

The show started off with a group of youngerlait sitting around a table, singing chassidisher negunim. While this was going on, they showed on the video screens Avraham Fried walking outside through different streets. The video ended with him knocking on a door and entering. Then Avraham Fried appeared on stage with his coat on and asked the youngerlait if he could join. He said "A Melaveh Malka?! With an orchistra?! And an audiance?! sepperate seating?!!!(to which an appluass broke out)." It was cute.

Other highlights were,
the song from yiddesh-gems 1 "The Torah," with a slide show playing different photos of the different countries which were being sung about. when the song reached "in miten veg der Malach geit zet er a Yid a meshulach gait der Tallis kotten lang un breit... they showed pictures of different Crown Hights celebrities like Charlie Buttons (who got the biggest applause of the night:-) ), Sydney and I think Zalmen Der Shikur, aswell as others. A.F. read the lyrics of the song from a sheet, which is understood, nobody expects him to know it by heart. At one point when he had to turn the page, he missed out on a word or two of the song.
They had different style hats on the stage floor, styles representing different countries. A.F. did not wear them. At the end of the song he said he'll do it "next time." basically reminding everyone that "my name is not Lipa!"
"Machshavot" the new single was nice.
"Ritzeih" from the album Brochoh V'hatzlochoh was very nice.
There was a nice medley of oldies.
When he sang Hop Cossack he walked off the stage into the crowed. At one point of the nigun he danced with an elderly chossid. I don't know the name of the elderly Jew but it was a classic. A.F. Remarked "my eldest fan."

There was a hilarious video of A.F. with Itche Kadoozy and Jone. I'm sure the video will be on the web soon.

The highlight of the evening was when they played a music video of a new song which will be on his up coming album (which BTW A.F. said "will imy"h be coming out in time for shvuess." the song is based on a Gemoro which says that when Hashem sees the Yidden in pain (in Golus) two teardrops fall from his eyes into the Yam Hagodol and it shakes the world. So in the song we ask Hashem that since the only one who could wipe away the tears is the one who created tears, we ask you Hashem to wipe away the all the tears forever. It's a beautiful song (though there are parts that don't have much of a tune) and a nice video. After the video A.F. said "tomorrow I'll find this video all over the internet!" so he asked everyone to please not do that.

The last song preceding the final, was in my opinion the most emotional part of the night, second to the previous song i.e. the music video. They showed a video of the Rebbe at a farbrengin, saying "the kids should say lechaim and then the chazzan should sing Sheyeboneh Bais Hamikdish." then on the screen we saw R' Moshe Teleshevsky begin singing Yehi Rotzon. But after taking a closer look we realized that this was not from the Rebbe's farbrenging, this was live. It could make you cry, it like made the Rebbe's farbrengin real. To watch the Rebbe on a video screen request something from an individual and then that same individual fulfils it in front of your eyes was amazing.

Overall the concert was a very nice experience.


Anonymous said...
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Lucky Wolf said...

sorry bro.
if i had a way to edit i wouldof but they dont give me the option.
no names.